ReFresh Developments

After two years of starts and stops (thank you pandemic curveballs), we finally delivered our long-awaited workshops and showcase for ReFresh Developments - originally penned ‘Fresh Developments.’

Made for plays previously read in our Fresh Off The Page programme, we took three plays by stand-out writers - Nathan Joe, John Rata & Natasha Lay - into a three day development workshop. The workshops were a breath of fresh air after online development, allowing our writers to uncover more about their stories, characters and form through open collaboration.

The culmination? One big showcase event with invited guests from the NZ/Auckland theatre industry, allowing our writers, programmers and funders to see their work in a live space.

As a second phase to Fresh off the Page, we hope to see more of this initiative in future to accelerate our Fresh plays one step closer to programmed seasons!


Written by Nathan Joe

Directed by Daniel Goodwin

peformed by Celine dam, Andrew ford

& David Shi


written by John Rata

directed by James Roque

performed by chloe bagays, marwin silerio, nicholas contreras, richard perillo & donna Dacuno


written by natasha lay

directed by ahi karunaharan

performed by amanda grace leo,

mayen mehta, pamela sidhu

& uhyoung choi


Producer & Production Manager: Marianne Infante

Assistant Prododucer: Porvi fomra

designer & technical operator: paul bennet

stage manager: Lisa joe

This programme was Proudly supported by

creative communities nz

Auckland theatre company

auckland live